Lönekoordinator sökes till internationellt försäkringsbolag
BNP Paribas Cardif – försäkringsbolaget i en föränderlig värld. Genom förståelse för våra samarbetspartners kärnaffär och behov, erbjuder vi skräddarsydda försäkringslösningar och skapar mervärde för våra partners – alltid med kunden i fokus. BNP Paribas Cardif Nordics försäkringsverksamhet är en del av bankkoncernen BNP Paribas som är en av Europas ledande aktörer inom bank-och finanstjänster.
Vi söker nu dig med ett noggrant sinne och som är detaljfokuserad – du som delar vårt engagemang och vår känsla för ansvarstagande! Kan du vara vår nya Lönekoordinator?
Som Lönekoordinator kommer du…
…ansvara för lönebearbetningen för cirka 120 medarbetare, främst för anställda i Sverige och back-up för lönekörning avseende Norge och Danmark. I nuläget är lönearbetet outsourcat, vilket innebär att du är första linjens kontakt mot vår löneleverantör. Du kommer att ansvara för att samordna och förbereda löneuppgifter och säkerställa leveransen av lönerna. I rollen kommer du att arbeta med de olika delarna inom lönehantering, tidrapportering, utlägg, ledigheter, förmåner etc och vara kontaktperson till bolagets anställda inom dessa områden. Du kommer ansvara och genomföra de rapporteringar som är kopplade till lön & personal och uppdatera samt underhålla bolagets HR-system. Rollen kommer också att innebära att arbeta med vårt erbjudande så som pensioner, förmåner och lönerevisioner, det för att stötta HR Manager i arbetat inom ersättning och förmåner. I rollen som Lönekoordinator kommer du att vara en del av ett härligt HR-gäng som består av ytterligare tre personer och rapportera till HR Manager.
Vi söker dig som…
… har arbetat i en liknande roll inom löneadministration och har god förståelse för flödet inom lönehantering. Du skall ha ett starkt intresse för siffror och noggrannhet är en naturlig egenskap hos dig. För att trivas i rollen har du lätt för att anpassa dig efter rådande situation och hjälper till där det behövs. I rollen som Lönekoordinator kommer du ha många kontakter med företagets medarbetare, chefer och även externa parter, därför är det viktigt att du är pedagogisk och tydligt i ditt sätt att kommunicera samt är serviceminded.
Våra önskemål:
- Utbildning inom ekonomi eller personal/lön
- Goda kunskaper inom löneadministration
- Tidigare erfarenhet från att ha jobbat med förmåner och pensioner
- Goda redovisningskunskaper
- Mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska
- Meriterande är att ha jobbat med löner mot något av de andra nordiska länderna
Varför BNP Paribas Cardif?
Tänk dig en organisation, tillräcklig liten för att utvecklas men tillräckligt stor för att hantera förändringar. Hos oss på BNP Paribas Cardif, genomsyrar affärsutveckling allt vi gör och vi uppmuntrar ständigt till innovativt tänkande. Med ca 120 medarbetare i Sverige, Norge och Danmark, utvecklar och tillhandahåller vi personriskförsäkringar på den nordiska marknaden via banker och finansbolag. Hos oss får du möjligheten att kliva in i en spännande expansiv fas i ett internationellt företag med en mångkulturell miljö. Här får du möjlighet att påverka med din erfarenhet och expertis samt arbeta med engagerade och härliga kollegor.
Vi erbjuder dessutom förmånlig pensionsplan, friskvårdsbidrag, flytande arbetsfria dagar, träning på betald arbetstid, Benify förmånsportal, kompetensutveckling samt sociala aktiviteter och tillställningar.
För mer information se www.bnpparibarcardif.se eller på Linkedin #BNPParibasCardifNordic
Mer om tjänsten:
Tjänsten är en tillsvidareanställning med en sysselsättningsgrad på 80%, med start enligt överenskommelse. Har du frågor om tjänsten går det bra att kontakta Elisabeth Marenius, elisabeth.marenius@bnpparibascardif.com.
Vill du bli en del av ett engagerat och växande företag? Då är du varmt välkommen med din ansökan till vår jobbportal, via länken nedan. Sista ansökningsdag är den 25:e mars. Tveka inte att skicka din ansökan redan idag. Då urvalsprocesser och intervjuer sker löpande kan tjänsten komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag.
Tänk på detta innan du skickar in din ansökan (i enlighet med GDPR-lagstiftningen): Din ansökan ska ej innehålla personuppgifter kring civilstatus, familjesituation/barn, etniskt ursprung, ålder, politiska åsikter, religiös eller filosofisk övertygelse, medlemskap i fackförening, hälsa eller sexuell läggning.
About BNPP:
BNP Paribas is the European Union’s leading bank and key player in international banking. We operate in 63 countries and have nearly 183,000 employees globally.
Our mission is to contribute to a responsible and sustainable economy by financing and advising clients according to the highest ethical standards. We offer secure, sound and innovative financial solutions to individuals, professional clients, corporates and institutional investors while striving to address the fundamental challenges of today with regards to the environment, local development and social inclusion.
About BNPP in the Nordics
BNP Paribas is the global bank with the strongest presence on the ground in the Nordic region. We have close to 900employees based locally in the Nordics and offer our clients a wide range of services through our business units; BNP Paribas Corporate and Institutional Banking, Arval, BNP Paribas Asset Management, Alfred Berg, BNP Paribas Cardif, BNP Paribas Factor, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, and BNP Paribas Personal Finance.
BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking (CIB) offers corporates, institutions and public-sector clients a wide range of services from daily banking to value-added products and sophisticated investment banking solutions.
About this opportunity
We are seeking a proactive and dedicated HR Operations specialist with a strong expertise in Payroll, to join our Nordic HR Operations Team in CIB. This role involves managing an end-to-end payroll process and supporting employees and stakeholders with accuracy and efficiency delivering a world class experience.
In this role you will be the heartbeat in our HR operations, ensuring everything runs smoothly day-to-day. You will be the go-to person for managers and employees providing essential support and making a real difference in their employee work experience.
The role requires that you are structured, have an eye for details and passion for HR operations, can prioritize and that you can work efficiently under pressure in a dynamic work environment. To be successful you have a background in HR administration and payroll in at least one Nordic country.
This role is located in Stockholm and reporting to the HR Operations team lead.
If you are a proactive and a detailed-oriented HR Payroll professional thriving in a dynamic environment and a fast pace, we encourage you to apply.
Main scope of the role
- Ensure timely processing and controls on monthly payroll including salaries, taxes, and benefits across 4 Nordic countries
- Manage relationship with payroll and benefits providers on an operational level to ensure correct delivery of the monthly payroll and related reporting
- Ensure timely benefits reporting, enrollments, de-enrollments and invoice reconciliation
- Respond to employees’ inquiries in a timely manner to ensure positive employee experience
- Maintain and update HR systems to ensure data accuracy and compliance
- Perform HR administration tasks assigned to the evolving scope of the HR Operations function
- Review and update Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) regularly to ensure processes remain efficient and compliant with local labor laws and regulations
- Support statutory reporting, such as tax filings, pensions, benefits renewals and other required submissions
- Partner with the HR and Finance stakeholders
Relevant experience and requirements
- Proven experience in payroll processing and HR administration
- Prior knowledge and ability to solely conduct calculations, reconciliations, quality checks, payment processes oversight, benefits administration and reporting for Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway
- Strong knowledge of local tax and labor laws and regulations
- Adaptability to a fast-paced environment and an evolving scope of the HR Operations function
- Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills
- Ability to multitask and prioritize
- Robust sense of duty and ownership
- Customer-first mentality
- Ability to work collaboratively in a dynamic team environment
- Preferably Scandinavian languages as native tongue and fluent in English
Hiring Manager
Tatyana Reshetnikova, HR Operations Team Lead
Astrid Melby, HR Business Partner
Are you interested in knowing more about the position? Please contact Tatyana Reshetnikova tatyana.reshetnikova@bnpparibas.com or Astrid Melby astrid.melby@bnpparibas.com
Diversity Statement
As the Bank for a changing world, we truly believe that promoting diversity makes it better. We welcome all talents and empower them to prosper in an inclusive workplace. Join us and bring your full self to work with your own experience and identity!
BNP Paribas is the European Union’s leading bank and key player in international banking. We operate in 63 countries and have nearly 183,000 employees globally.
Our mission is to contribute to a responsible and sustainable economy by financing and advising clients according to the highest ethical standards. We offer secure, sound and innovative financial solutions to individuals, professional clients, corporates and institutional investors while striving to address the fundamental challenges of today with regard to the environment, local development and social inclusion.
About BNPP in the Nordics
BNP Paribas is the global bank with the strongest presence on the ground in the Nordic region. We have close to 900 employees based locally in the Nordics and offer our clients a wide range of services through our business units; BNP Paribas Corporate and Institutional Banking, Arval, BNP Paribas Asset Management, Alfred Berg, BNP Paribas Cardif, BNP Paribas Factor, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, and BNP Paribas Personal Finance.
BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking (CIB) offers corporates, institutions and public-sector clients a wide range of services from daily banking to value-added products and sophisticated investment banking solutions.
About this opportunity
Your role consists of assisting the Nordic Investment Banking team in originating and executing transactions during the fall. You will be exposed to a wide range of clients and projects. The role includes (but is not limited to):
- Gathering and synthesising financial and operating information about companies and their industries
- Building and updating financial models
- Gathering market data to analyse industry context and help value and price transactions
- Drafting presentations and memorandums for both internal and external clients
- Attending team discussions and client meetings, where you will be asked to actively participate
Relevant experience and requirements
- Knowledge of accounting and valuation techniques; Past practical experiences will be considered
- Can do-mentality and strong quantitative / technical abilities
- Outstanding communication and time management skills
- Excellent academic track record and fluency in English and a Scandinavian language
How to apply?
We are open for applications and will conduct interviews on a rolling basis with:
- CV and cover letter
- Detail for which cycle you are applying
- Academic transcripts and references, if applicable
Diversity Statement
As the Bank for a changing world, we truly believe that promoting diversity makes it better. We welcome all talents and empower them to prosper in an inclusive workplace. Join us and bring your full self to work with your own experience and identity!
About BNPP:
BNP Paribas is the European Union’s leading bank and key player in international banking. We operate in 63 countries and have nearly 183,000 employees globally.
Our mission is to contribute to a responsible and sustainable economy by financing and advising clients according to the highest ethical standards. We offer secure, sound and innovative financial solutions to individuals, professional clients, corporates and institutional investors while striving to address the fundamental challenges of today with regard to the environment, local development and social inclusion.
About BNPP in the Nordics
BNP Paribas is the global bank with the strongest presence on the ground in the Nordic region. We have close to 900 employees based locally in the Nordics and offer our clients a wide range of services through our business units; BNP Paribas Corporate and Institutional Banking, Arval, BNP Paribas Asset Management, Alfred Berg, BNP Paribas Cardif, BNP Paribas Factor, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, and BNP Paribas Personal Finance.
BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking (CIB) offers corporates, institutions and public-sector clients a wide range of services from daily banking to value-added products and sophisticated investment banking solutions.
About this opportunity
The Nordic KYC Due Diligence Officer SKYCO Coordinator position provides opportunities for growth, with all new joiners starting from the KYC related role and after mastering the requirements of the KYC role, they will have the opportunity to progress further in one of the other roles.
Main scope of the role
As a Nordic KYC Due Diligence officer / SKYCO / Coordinator, you will be part of a team spread across the Nordic countries, working closely with local and international teams, including extended teams in Portugal and India. You will be primarily covering Nordic Pilot clients and Strategic Business Groups and you will have pivotal role in the full End-To-End service provided to our clients. The main tasks cover wide range of activities with focus on the below roles.
What you will do
KYC-related role:
• Manage the KYC process of client onboarding and recertification, communicating directly with client and in close collaboration with Relationship Managers and Compliance Departments.
• Coordinate the collection of all required KYC and Regulatory documents from the client after ensuring that all available information in the bank has been checked
• Ensure that the performed KYC process is in line with BNPP Group KYC policy, including identification of missing documents, performing of all necessary checks (PEPs, sanctions, adverse information) and assessments, identification of Ultimate Beneficial Owners, analysis of the information and general assessment of the client profile.
• Communicate effectively the status to the client and all stakeholders, and act as internal escalation point, when necessary.
• Monitor and control the quality of KYC related information available in the bank systems and liaise with the relevant internal counterparties, if remediation actions are required.
Coordination role:
• Act as a Single Global Point of contact for clients, providing dedicated guidance throughout their onboarding and recertification journeys
• Act as a liaison between all stakeholders in the onboarding and recertification processes (ie Client, Coverage, Business lines, KYC Service Centers, Compliance, Middle-Office teams) and organize alignment meetings, as necessary
• Coordinate the collection of all required documents and information directly from the client (related to KYC, account opening, cash management set-up, etc.)
• Reduce the overall lead time of the full onboarding and recertification processes by managing and avoiding bottlenecks
• Follow up the internal processes and procedures related to account opening and cash management set-up.
• Manage large scale projects (onboarding and KYC recertification of multiple entities from the same business group, prioritization of the pipeline), incl. organize & maintain an up-to-date process plan and involving/informing all involved stakeholders
• Work closely with teams from other territories in relation to KYC, account opening and cash management set-up in other locations, sharing information as necessary
• Continually seek ways to improve the end-to-end process and journey by leveraging on client feedback
SKYCO role
• Act as first level of control in reviewing, advising and validating KYC due diligence assessment
• Acts as a subject matter expert to support DD team members in the implementation of KYC policies, procedures and guidelines from Compliance and GCS.
• Data control and KYC file review: Validates correct data entry into the KYC tools based on the due diligence conducted and controls the format and content of the documentation to ensure adherence to KYC guidelines. If needed, refers to relevant team members to highlight data inconsistency, and suggests methods of resolution.
• Decision and follow-up: Liaises with Compliance, RMs and other stakeholders for KYC approval. Arranges, prepares and documents Client Acceptance Committee (CAC) and coordinates CAC meeting. Coordinates with KYC teams in other locations to streamline the multisite KYC approval process. Ensures the completeness of any follow-up conditions.
• Identifies root causes impacting the KYC quality and identifies training needs for individual team members
• Ensures timely escalation and owns proposed course of action to address identified risks and blocking points.
• Overviews the full KYC file analysis and approval and ensures all executed processes are delivered as per the applicable guidelines.
Relevant experience and requirements
Required qualifications:
• Degree in Business, Finance or other relevant field
• Minimum 2 years relevant work experience, preferably with Client Onboarding or Recertification and KYC requirements
• Experience in Project coordination / implementation is an advantage
• Experience in managing or servicing external client relationships is an advantage
• Good knowledge of MS Office, esp. MS Word and Excel
• Fluent in English
• Scandinavian language is an advantage
Your profile:
• Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
• Solid analytical skills and strong risk awareness
• Time management, planning and organizational skills
• Proactive with focus on problem solving; propose improvements and changes
• Team player while able to work autonomously
• Flexible and eager to learn
• Ability to work under tight deadlines
Hiring Manager
Feel free to reach out to Vasilka MUTAVDZHIYSKA , our Nordic Due Diligence manager or Khaloud Djemili, HRBP, should you want to discuss the opportunity or directly apply through this page.
We look forward receiving your application, we review the applications on an ongoing basis.
Diversity Statement
As the Bank for a changing world, we truly believe that promoting diversity makes it better. We welcome all talents and empower them to prosper in an inclusive workplace. Join us and bring your full self to work with your own experience and identity!